Integrate Kayako with 900+ apps

Create business workflows for Kayako without writing code, using Zoho Flow. Automate your routine tasks and make more time for what you do best.

Popular Kayako workflows


Add tags to Kayako conversations for responses to surveys in Zonka Feedback.

Help your customer-facing teams plan and prioritize their outreach by tagging customer responses. This flow will add tags in Kayako conversations when a response is received to your survey in Zonka Feedback.

How it works

1) A new response is received to a survey in Zonka Feedback.
2) Zoho Flow will add a tag to Kayako conversations
Use this flow

Add tags to Kayako conversations for responses to surveys in Zonka Feedback.

Zonka Feedback + Kayako


Create new users in Kayako for new contacts created in Teamwork CRM.

Keep your support team's database up to date automatically and enable them to resolve issues quicker. This flow will create a new user in Kayako when a new contact is created in Teamwork CRM.

How it works

1) A new contact is created in Teamwork CRM.
2) Zoho Flow will create a new user in Kayako.
Use this flow

Create new users in Kayako for new contacts created in Teamwork CRM.

Teamwork CRM + Kayako

Build your own Kayako integrations

Connect Kayako with over 900+ apps and build your own integrations using our no-code drag and drop builder and comprehensive workflow elements

Supported triggers and actions

Build your Kayako workflows using the below triggers and actions

All Triggers - A trigger kickstarts the flow

Conversation created

Triggers when a new conversation is created

User created

Triggers when a new user account is created

All Actions - Actions are the automated tasks

Create conversation

Creates a new conversation

Create user

Creates a new user account and profile

Add tags to organization

Adds tags to an existing organization

Add tags to conversation

Adds the specified tags to an existing conversation

Create organization

Creates a new organization

Update conversation

Updates the details of an existing conversation

Update organization

Updates the details of an existing organization

Update user

Updates the details of an existing user

Find organization

Finds the details of an existing organization

Find conversation

Finds the details of an existing conversation

Find user

Finds the details of an existing user

What is Kayako?

Kayako is a help desk platform with support ticketing system that helps you be more productive and build customer loyalty. It also provides a help center feature that allows customers to answer their own questions.

Build comprehensive workflows using

Webhook triggers

Receive your data from a wider range of services in multiple formats, like JSON, form data, and plain text.

Learn more >


Create customized business workflows by including advanced logic elements like if-then branches, time delays, and more.

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Custom functions

Write simple scripting functions to format data, call web APIs, send emails, and more.

Learn more >

Zoho Flow was the main reason we decided in favor of the Zoho platform. An ability to integrate the different parts of the platform is priceless, and we were able to set as many process triggers as we need. Currently, we have eight large flows. They integrate Zoho Books, Zoho Desk, Zoho CRM, and Zoho Cliq in various combinations. Learn more

Louis Castellano

CEO, Lakeside CNC Group

Zoho Flow has automated our entire "Security Operations" process, saving us a lot of manual work and admin overhead, in turn enabling us to focus our efforts on providing clients with accurate and quality services.

Neville Mader

Director, Perth Security Services

We use Zoho Flow to connect Zoho Subscriptions with JotForm. As our customers fill their preferences in JotForm, Zoho Flow passes it to Zoho Subscriptions and creates a subscription automatically. It was impressive that we were able to configure all this on a simple drag-and-drop interface!

Josh Lucas

Head of Operations, AAA Band Rentals

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Endless integrations. End to manual work.