Integrate Zoho Cliq with 900+ apps

Create business workflows for Zoho Cliq without writing code, using Zoho Flow. Automate your routine tasks and make more time for what you do best.

Popular Zoho Cliq workflows


Post New Flagged Disqus Comments to Zoho Cliq

A new comment flagged in Disqus means your team needs to act immediately. This Flow can make the process shorter by automatically informing your team in Zoho Cliq whenever a new comment is flagged in Disqus.

How it works

1. A new comment is flagged in Disqus. 

2. Zoho Flow sends your team a message in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Post New Flagged Disqus Comments to Zoho Cliq

Disqus + Zoho Cliq


Broadcast messages in Zoho Cliq for closed Drift conversations

Every time you have a conversation with a visitor or a customer, you can automate the process of notifying your team about it. Use this flow to send a notification in Zoho Cliq for every new closed Drift conversation.

How it works
1. A conversation is closed in Drift.
2. Zoho Flow automatically sends a notification in Zoho Cliq for the closed conversation.
Use this flow

Broadcast messages in Zoho Cliq for closed Drift conversations

Drift + Zoho Cliq


 Send Zoho Cliq messages about new Dropbox folders

Use this flow to instantly notify your teammates about new files you share with them. It automatically sends a channel message in Zoho Cliq when a shared folder is created in your Dropbox account.

How it works

1. A new folder is created in Dropbox. 

2. Zoho Flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

 Send Zoho Cliq messages about new Dropbox folders

Dropbox + Zoho Cliq


Forward activity messages from Easy Projects to Zoho Cliq

When an activity message is posted in Easy Projects, the flow automatically sends a message to your team in Zoho Cliq. That way, your entire team can keep up with the progress made on different activities, and also discuss them easily.

How it works

1. An activity message is posted in Easy Projects. 

2. Zoho Flow forwards the message to a designated channel in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Forward activity messages from Easy Projects to Zoho Cliq

Easy Projects + Zoho Cliq


Create Zoho Cliq channels for new folders in Egnyte

Like having an exclusive collaborative space for each folder in Egnyte? Use this flow to automatically create a Zoho Cliq channel for every new folder added in Egnyte.

How it works

1. A new folder is added in Egnyte.

2. Zoho Flow creates a channel in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Create Zoho Cliq channels for new folders in Egnyte

Egnyte + Zoho Cliq


Send Zoho Cliq messages for new expenses in Freckle

This flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq each time an expense is created in Freckle. That way, you can automatically keep your team informed of all expenses that your projects incur.

How it works

1. An expense is created in Freckle. 

2. Zoho Flow notifies you of the expense details in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Send Zoho Cliq messages for new expenses in Freckle

Noko + Zoho Cliq


Get notifications on Zoho Cliq for new Freshdesk tickets

Use this flow to automatically inform your team on Zoho Cliq when you receive new requests in your Freshdesk support portal. Make sure your entire team can collaborate on delivering quality service to your customers.

How it works

1. A new ticket is created in Freshdesk.  

2. Zoho Flow sends a notification to your team's  Zoho Cliq channel.

Use this flow

Get notifications on Zoho Cliq for new Freshdesk tickets

Zoho Cliq + Freshdesk


Post message in Zoho Cliq for new forms in GetResponse

Get a message in your work chat as soon as a new form is created on your email marketing application. Use this flow to get a message in Zoho Cliq every time a new form is created in GetResponse.

How it works
1. A new form is created in GetResponse.
2. Zoho Flow automatically posts a message in Zoho Cliq informing about the new form being created.
Use this flow

Post message in Zoho Cliq for new forms in GetResponse

GetResponse + Zoho Cliq


Send Zoho Cliq messages for new mentions on GitHub

This flow notifies you in Zoho Cliq each time you are mentioned in a commit, comment, issue, or pull request in GitHub. This helps you respond to issues promptly.

How it works

1. A new mention is made on GitHub. 

2. Zoho Flow sends you a message in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Send Zoho Cliq messages for new mentions on GitHub

GitHub + Zoho Cliq


Post new GitLab merge requests to Zoho Cliq

Your teammates are always refining their code scripts; keeping track of the requests that you need to approve can get very cumbersome. Use this flow to get notified on Zoho Cliq whenever a merge request is created in GitLab.

How it works

1. A new merge request is created in GitLab. 

2. Zoho Flow sends you a message in Zoho Cliq. 

Use this flow

Post new GitLab merge requests to Zoho Cliq

Zoho Cliq + GitLab


Get a message on Zoho Cliq for every Google Contacts update

Every time a Google contact is updated, you’ll get a notification in Zoho Cliq. This keeps you in the loop regarding any changes made to a contact.

How it works
1. A contact in Google Contacts is updated.
2. Zoho Flow automatically sends a message on Zoho Cliq informing about the update.
Use this flow

Get a message on Zoho Cliq for every Google Contacts update

Google Contacts + Zoho Cliq


Send messages in Zoho Cliq for new tasks in Habitica

Send a notification automatically, every time a new task is created in your productivity application. This flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq every time there’s a new task created in Habitica.

How it works
1. A new task is created in Habitica.
2. Zoho Flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq about the task being created.
Use this flow

Send messages in Zoho Cliq for new tasks in Habitica

Habitica + Zoho Cliq


Send Zoho Cliq messages for new Insightly tasks

Get your teammates' attention on important tasks the moment you add them. When a new task is added in Insightly, this flow posts it to a specified channel in Zoho Cliq.

How it works

1. A new task is added in Insightly. 

2. Zoho Flow sends you a message in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Send Zoho Cliq messages for new Insightly tasks

Zoho Cliq + Insightly


Post a message in Zoho Cliq for new Invoice Ninja payments

Get a notification in your team chat whenever there’s a new payment. This flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq every time there’s a new payment in Invoice Ninja.

How it works
1. A new payment is received in Invoice Ninja.
2. Zoho Flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq about the payment.
Use this flow

Post a message in Zoho Cliq for new Invoice Ninja payments

Invoice Ninja + Zoho Cliq


Send Zoho Cliq messages when payments are made in Invoiced

This flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq each time a payment is recorded in Invoiced. This way, your team is aware of all new payments your business receives.

How it works

1. A payment is recorded in Invoiced. 

2. Zoho Flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Send Zoho Cliq messages when payments are made in Invoiced

Zoho Cliq + Invoiced


Send Zoho Cliq messages for new tasks in Jumplead

This flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq each time a new task is created in Jumplead. That way, your team is automatically notified and can plan the execution of every task efficiently.

How it works

1. A new task is added in Jumplead. 

2. Zoho Flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq. 

Use this flow

Send Zoho Cliq messages for new tasks in Jumplead

Jumplead + Zoho Cliq


Send a message in Zoho Cliq for new companies with the status “being worked on” in Lime Go

Send a message in your work chat when a company is currently focused on by your team. This flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq for new companies with the status “being worked on” in Lime Go.

How it works
1. A company's status is changed to "being worked on" in Lime Go.
2. Zoho Flow posts a notification in Zoho Cliq about the change in status.
Use this flow

Send a message in Zoho Cliq for new companies with the status “being worked on” in Lime Go

Lime Go + Zoho Cliq


Send message in Zoho Cliq for new user in LionDesk

Get notified whenever a new person is added to your help desk, without needing to open another application. Use this flow to get a notification in Zoho Cliq every time a new user is added to LionDesk.

How it works
1. A new user is added to LionDesk.
2. Zoho Flow automatically sends a notification in Zoho Cliq about the new user.
Use this flow

Send message in Zoho Cliq for new user in LionDesk

LionDesk + Zoho Cliq


Receive LiquidPlanner comments on Zoho Cliq

Keep up with the discussions happening in your project management app right from your chat tab. Use this flow to receive new LiquidPlanner comments automatically on Zoho Cliq.

How it works
1. A comment is made on LiquidPlanner.
2. Zoho Flow automatically displays the comment on the selected Zoho Cliq chat.
Use this flow

Receive LiquidPlanner comments on Zoho Cliq

LiquidPlanner + Zoho Cliq


Post a message in Zoho Cliq when an email is opened in Mautic

Post a message in your work chat automatically when someone opens your email. This flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq every time an email is opened in Mautic.

How it works
1. An email is opened in Mautic.
2. Zoho Flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq.
Use this flow

Post a message in Zoho Cliq when an email is opened in Mautic

Mautic + Zoho Cliq


Receive Zoho Cliq messages when tasks are completed in MeisterTask

This flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq whenever a task is marked as completed in MeisterTask. Keep your teammates updated of each other's progress, automatically. 

How it works

1. A task is marked as completed in MeisterTask.

2. Zoho Flow sends a message in a specific Zoho Cliq channel.

Use this flow

Receive Zoho Cliq messages when tasks are completed in MeisterTask

MeisterTask + Zoho Cliq


Post a message in Zoho Cliq when a new board is created in Miro

Get a notification in your team chat whenever there’s a new board created in your whiteboard app. This flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq whenever there’s a new board created in Miro.

How it works
1. A new board is created in Miro.
2. Zoho Flow posts a notification in Zoho Cliq.
Use this flow

Post a message in Zoho Cliq when a new board is created in Miro

Miro + Zoho Cliq


Send messages in Zoho Cliq for new call in Outreach

Post a message in your work chat when a call is scheduled in outreach application. This flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq every time a call is created in Outreach.

How it works
1. A call is created in Outreach.
2. Zoho Flow automatically posts a message in Zoho Cliq about the call being created in Outreach.
Use this flow

Send messages in Zoho Cliq for new call in Outreach

Outreach + Zoho Cliq


Send Zoho Cliq messages for new tasks in Teamwork Projects

This flow creates a new task in Teamwork Projects each time a message is sent in Zoho Cliq. Convert important conversations to tasks so your team can act upon them, promptly.

How it works

1. A new task is added in Teamwork Projects.

2. Zoho Flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Send Zoho Cliq messages for new tasks in Teamwork Projects

Teamwork Projects + Zoho Cliq


Send message in Zoho Cliq for new maintenance window in UptimeRobot

Get notified in your work chat for important maintenance alerts. Use this flow to receive a message in Zoho Cliq whenever there’s a maintenance window in UptimeRobot.

How it works
1. A new maintenance window is added in UptimeRobot.

2. Zoho Flow automatically sends a message in Zoho Cliq about the new maintenance window.
Use this flow

Send message in Zoho Cliq for new maintenance window in UptimeRobot

UptimeRobot + Zoho Cliq


Post ticket message to Zoho Cliq user for a new Usedesk ticket

Get notified in your work chat for important tickets. Use this flow to receive a message in Zoho Cliq whenever there's a ticket created in Usedesk.

How it works
1. A new ticket created in Usedesk.

2. Zoho Flow automatically sends a message in Zoho Cliq about the ticket.
Use this flow

Post ticket message to Zoho Cliq user for a new Usedesk ticket

Usedesk + Zoho Cliq


Send Zoho Cliq channel messages for videos on Vimeo

This flow sends you a new message on Zoho Cliq whenever a user adds a video on Vimeo. Inform your entire team about new videos, the moment they are uploaded.

How it works

1. A new video is added by you on Vimeo. 

2. Zoho Flow sends you a message in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Send Zoho Cliq channel messages for videos on Vimeo

Zoho Cliq + Vimeo


Forward new Wootric responses to Zoho Cliq

Use this flow to bring your team's immediate attention to customer feedback. Each time a new response is submitted in Wootric, the flow automatically forwards it to a specific channel in Zoho Cliq.

How it works

1. A new response is received in Wootric.

2. Zoho Flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Forward new Wootric responses to Zoho Cliq

Wootric + Zoho Cliq


 Send Zoho Cliq messages for new WordPress comments

As soon as a comment is added to your Wordpress, this flow will automatically notify you via Zoho Cliq. That way, you can stay in touch with your reader base without having to monitor your WordPress account constantly.

How it works

1. A new comment is left on a post on WordPress.

2. Zoho Flow notifies you via Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

 Send Zoho Cliq messages for new WordPress comments + Zoho Cliq


Send a Zoho Cliq message for a new action taken on an email in ZeptoMail.

Automate the process of informing your team when an email action occurs. This flow will send a message on Zoho Cliq when a new action takes place in an email on ZeptoMail.

How it works
1) A new action takes place in ZeptoMail.
2) Zoho Flow will send a message in Zoho Cliq.
Use this flow

Send a Zoho Cliq message for a new action taken on an email in ZeptoMail.

ZeptoMail + Zoho Cliq


Post a message in Zoho Cliq when an appointment gets canceled in Zoho Bookings

Get a notification in your work chat when an appointment is canceled in your scheduling application. This flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq whenever an appointment gets canceled in Zoho Bookings.

How it works
1. An appointment gets canceled in Zoho Bookings.
2. Zoho Flow posts a notification in Zoho Cliq.
Use this flow

Post a message in Zoho Cliq when an appointment gets canceled in Zoho Bookings

Zoho Bookings + Zoho Cliq


Post new invoices from Zoho Books to a Zoho Cliq channel

Do you want to keep your team updated about every new order that you receive? This Zoho Books-Zoho Cliq flow can help you do that effortlessly. It automatically posts new invoices from Zoho Books to your team's Cliq channel, saving you from endless cut-copy-pasting.

How it works

1. A new invoice is created in Zoho Books.

2. Zoho Flow posts the invoice in a channel on Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Post new invoices from Zoho Books to a Zoho Cliq channel

Zoho Books + Zoho Cliq


Send Zoho Cliq messages for new or updated events in Zoho Calendar

This flow sends you a message in Zoho Cliq each time an event is added or updated in Zoho Calendar. That way, you can stay informed about new events in your organization, automatically. 

How it works

1. An event is created or updated in Zoho Calendar. 

2. Zoho Flow sends you a notification via Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Send Zoho Cliq messages for new or updated events in Zoho Calendar

Zoho Calendar + Zoho Cliq


Create projects in awork for new channels in Zoho Cliq

Creating a new project for every new group or channel at your workplace can be time-consuming. Automate this process and never miss out on creating important communication channels. This flow will create a new project in awork when a new channel is created in Zoho Cliq.

How it works
1) A new channel is created in Zoho Cliq.
2) Zoho Flow creates a new project in awork.
Use this flow

Create projects in awork for new channels in Zoho Cliq

Zoho Cliq + awork


Direct message in Zoho Cliq for new user in FlowDock

This flow is useful if you run multiple Zoho products along with FlowDock. You’ll get a notification in Zoho Cliq whenever a new user is added in FlowDock.

How it works
1. A new user is added to FlowDock.
2. Zoho Flow automatically sends a direct message in Zoho Cliq informing about the new user.

Use this flow

Direct message in Zoho Cliq for new user in FlowDock

CA Flowdock + Zoho Cliq


Place note in Zoho CRM and receive Cliq notification when a contact unsubscribes in ActiveTrail.

Each time a new contact unsubscribes in ActiveTrail, this flow fetches the corresponding lead in Zoho CRM, adds a note to keep your CRM updated about the cancellation, and sends a channel notification in Zoho Cliq. Let Zoho Flow track and record your customers' interests so you can better engage with them.

How it works

1. A contact unsubscribes in ActiveTrail. 

2. Zoho Flow executes the following tasks automatically: 

a. Fetches the corresponding lead in Zoho CRM.

b. Adds a note for the lead in Zoho CRM.

c. Notifies a specific channel in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Place note in Zoho CRM and receive Cliq notification when a contact unsubscribes in ActiveTrail.

Zoho CRM + ActiveTrail + Zoho Cliq


Post a message in Zoho Cliq when a new opportunity is created in Act 365

Get notifications in your work chat when a new task is added to your marketing app. This flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq when a new opportunity is created in Act! 365.

How it works
1. A new opportunity is created in Act! 365.
2. Zoho Flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq about the opportunity.
Use this flow

Post a message in Zoho Cliq when a new opportunity is created in Act 365

Act! 365 + Zoho Cliq


Send Zoho Cliq messages when calls are commented on in Aircall

When a call is commented on in Aircall, this flow sends a channel notification via Zoho Cliq. This helps, your team stay in the loop about every customer interaction.

How it works

1. A call is commented upon in Aircall. 

2. Zoho Flow sends a channel notification in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Send Zoho Cliq messages when calls are commented on in Aircall

Aircall + Zoho Cliq


Get a message in Zoho Cliq when an issue is reported in Azure DevOps

Get instant notifications in your team chat app when an issue is reported in your version control system. This flow posts a notification to a channel in Zoho Cliq when an issue is reported in Azure DevOps.

How it works
1) An issue is reported in Azure DevOps.
2) Zoho Flow sends a notification in Zoho Cliq.
Use this flow

Get a message in Zoho Cliq when an issue is reported in Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps + Zoho Cliq


Send Zoho Cliq messages for updated to-dos in Basecamp 2

Use this flow to automatically send a message in Zoho Cliq whenever a to-do is updated in Basecamp 2, helping you stay informed on the progress your team is making on different tasks.

How it works

1. A to-do is updated in Basecamp 

2 .Zoho Flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Send Zoho Cliq messages for updated to-dos in Basecamp 2

Basecamp 2 + Zoho Cliq


Send messages to Zoho Cliq channel for Better Uptime incidents

Get notification in your team channel when a new incident is created in your server monitoring application. This flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq channel when a new incident is created in Better Uptime.

How it works
1. A new incident is created in Better Uptime.

2. Zoho Flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq about the incident.
Use this flow

Send messages to Zoho Cliq channel for Better Uptime incidents

Better Uptime + Zoho Cliq


Send a message in Zoho Cliq when calls details are updated in Bigin

Automatically post a notification message in your work chat every time call details are updated in your CRM. This flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq whenever call details are updated in Bigin.

How it works
1. Details for a call are updated in Bigin.
2. Zoho Flow sends a notification in Zoho Cliq when call details are updated.
Use this flow

Send a message in Zoho Cliq when calls details are updated in Bigin

Bigin + Zoho Cliq


Send Zoho Cliq messages for new referring URLs in Bitly

Stay updated about the new sources driving traffic to your website. When a new referring URL is created in Bitly, this flow sends a channel message in Zoho Cliq.

How it works

1. A new referring URL is created in Bitly. 

2. Zoho Flow notifies you in a Zoho Cliq channel.

Use this flow

Send Zoho Cliq messages for new referring URLs in Bitly

Bitly + Zoho Cliq


Forward BugHerd comments to a Zoho Cliq channel

Every time a comment is added for a bug in BugHerd, this flow automatically sends the details of the bug along with the comment to a specific channel in Zoho Cliq, so your team is immediately informed of the update, and can discuss it easily.

How it works

1. A comment is added for a bug in BugHerd.

2. Zoho Flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Forward BugHerd comments to a Zoho Cliq channel

BugHerd + Zoho Cliq


Send a message in Cliq for bounced emails sent through Campaign Monitor

Get alerts when a campaign email is not delivered. This flow automatically sends a message in Cliq every time a campaign email is not delivered.

How it works
1. A bounced email is recorded in Campaign Monitor.
2. Zoho Flow automatically sends a notification via Cliq about the recorded bounced email.
Use this flow

Send a message in Cliq for bounced emails sent through Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor + Zoho Cliq


Notify via Zoho Cliq for new invoices in Chargebee

Never miss out on any communication, especially when it comes to new customers or invoices. This flow will post a message on Zoho Cliq when a new invoice is created in Chargebee.

How it works
1) A new invoice is created in Chargebee.
2) Zoho Flow will post a message automatically in Zoho Cliq.
Use this flow

Notify via Zoho Cliq for new invoices in Chargebee

Chargebee + Zoho Cliq


Receive Zoho Cliq messages for product reviews in CollectReviews

Each time a product is reviewed in CollectReviews, a message is sent to designated recipients in Zoho Cliq. This way, you can instantly share new product reviews with your team.

How it works

1. A product review is submitted in CollectReviews. 

2. Zoho Flow sends a message in the specified Zoho Cliq channel.

Use this flow

Receive Zoho Cliq messages for product reviews in CollectReviews

Collect Reviews + Zoho Cliq


Post a message in Zoho Cliq when feature flag and settings values are changed in ConfigCat

Get an automatic notification in your team chat whenever settings are changed in your configuration management system. This flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq when feature flag and settings values are changed in ConfigCat.

How it works
1) Feature flag and settings values are changed in ConfigCat.
2) Zoho Flow posts a notification in Zoho Cliq.
Use this flow

Post a message in Zoho Cliq when feature flag and settings values are changed in ConfigCat

ConfigCat + Zoho Cliq


Post a message in Zoho Cliq when a shipment tracking number of a sale is updated in DEAR Inventory

Post a notification in your team chat when the shipment tracking number of a sale is updated in your inventory management application. This flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq when the shipment tracking number of a sale is updated in DEAR Inventory.

How it works
1. A shipment tracking number of a sale is updated in DEAR Inventory.
2. Zoho Flow posts a notification in Zoho Cliq.
Use this flow

Post a message in Zoho Cliq when a shipment tracking number of a sale is updated in DEAR Inventory

DEAR Inventory + Zoho Cliq


Input bugs and assign them using Zoho Projects when submitted in Zoho Forms

This flow submits a bug in Zoho Projects each time a response is submitted in Zoho Forms. It also automatically assigns the bug to the team member with the lowest number of open bugs assigned. Finally, it notifies the identified member about the bug, via Zoho Cliq. That way, you don't have to manually delegate tasks to your teammates.

How it works

1. A new response is submitted in Zoho Forms. 

2. Zoho Flow executes the following tasks automatically: 

a. Identifies the team member with the lowest number of open bugs assigned. 

b. Submits the bug in Zoho Projects, assigning it to that member.

c. Notifies the member via Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Input bugs and assign them using Zoho Projects when submitted in Zoho Forms

Zoho Forms + Zoho Projects + Zoho Cliq


Post new emails from Zoho Mail to a Zoho Cliq channel

Your teammates are more likely to read a chat message than an email at any time of day. Use this flow to forward important messages from Zoho Mail to your team's Cliq channel so they can be read immediately.

How it works

1. Your team receives an email via Zoho Mail.  

2. Zoho Flow sends a message to the team's Cliq channel.

Use this flow

Post new emails from Zoho Mail to a Zoho Cliq channel

Zoho Mail + Zoho Cliq


Create Zoho Sprints projects and Zoho Cliq channels for new projects in Zoho Projects

Sync new project details between apps, and start off related discussions, all using one flow. Each time a new project is created in Zoho Projects, this flow automatically creates a corresponding project in Zoho Sprints, and also a channel in Zoho Cliq.

How it works

1. A new project is created in Zoho Projects. 

2. Zoho Flow executes the following tasks automatically:

a. Creates a corresponding project in Zoho Sprints.

b. Creates a channel in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Create Zoho Sprints projects and Zoho Cliq channels for new projects in Zoho Projects

Zoho Projects + Zoho Sprints + Zoho Cliq


Post messages in Zoho Cliq for updated Zoho Sheet

This flow posts a message in a Cliq channel when a sheet is updated in Zoho Sheet, keeping you automatically updated of all progress made by your teammates.

How it works

1. A worksheet is updated in Zoho Sheet. 

2. Zoho Flow sends a channel notification in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Post messages in Zoho Cliq for updated Zoho Sheet

Zoho Cliq + Zoho Sheet


Send Zoho Cliq messages for completed Zoho Sign documents

This flow sends you a message in Zoho Cliq every time a document is completed on Zoho Sign. This way, you can automatically get an update about each document that is completed.

How it works

1. A new document is completed on Zoho Sign.

2. Zoho Flow sends you a message on Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Send Zoho Cliq messages for completed Zoho Sign documents

Zoho Sign + Zoho Cliq


Get a notification in Zoho Cliq when a survey response is received in Zoho Survey

Get notifications in your work chat when a response is received for one of your surveys. This flow posts a notification in Zoho Cliq every time there's a new response for a survey in Zoho Survey.

How it works
1) A survey response is received in Zoho Survey.
2) Zoho Flow sends an email notification in Zoho Cliq.
Use this flow

Get a notification in Zoho Cliq when a survey response is received in Zoho Survey

Zoho Survey + Zoho Cliq


Send Zoho Cliq messages for new folders in Zoho WorkDrive

When your team is working on multiple projects, organizing all your files in the right folders can be tough. This flow helps by automatically sending a message via Zoho Cliq for every new folder added in Zoho WorkDrive so your colleagues always know the suitable place for a document.

How it works

1. A new folder is added in Zoho WorkDrive.

2. Zoho Flow sends a message in a Zoho Cliq channel.

Use this flow

Send Zoho Cliq messages for new folders in Zoho WorkDrive

Zoho WorkDrive + Zoho Cliq


Send Zoho Cliq messages when Writer documents are moved to a specific folder

Use this flow to notify your entire team when you complete a document. It sends a channel notification in Cliq as soon as a document in Writer is moved to a particular folder.

How it works

1. A Writer document is moved to a specific folder. 

2. Zoho Flow sends a channel notification in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Send Zoho Cliq messages when Writer documents are moved to a specific folder

Zoho Writer + Zoho Cliq


Create and Assign Bugs in Zoho Projects for new Zoho Connect statuses

Assigning tasks can often become a huge task in itself, especially when you're handling a large number of them. Zoho Flow takes up this challenge for you. Each time a new status is posted in a specific group on Connect, Flow submits a bug in Projects. It also assigns the task to a specific person on the team based on their schedule, and notifies them via Cliq.

How it works

1. A new status is posted in Zoho Connect.

2. Zoho Flow executes the following tasks automatically :

a. Identifies the team member with a minimum number of bugs in their name.

b. Submits a bug in Zoho Projects.

c. Assigns the bug to the identified member.

Use this flow

Create and Assign Bugs in Zoho Projects for new Zoho Connect statuses

Zoho Connect + Zoho Projects + Zoho Cliq


Send a message in a Cliq channel and create a job in Orchestly based on updates to a Zoho Creator record

Every time there’s an update to a Zoho Creator record, this flow creates a new job in Orchestly and also posts a message in Zoho Cliq channel.

How it works
1. A Zoho Creator record is updated.
2. Zoho Flow sends a message in a Zoho Cliq channel and creates a job in Orchestly based on the update.
Use this flow

Send a message in a Cliq channel and create a job in Orchestly based on updates to a Zoho Creator record

Zoho Creator + Qntrl + Zoho Cliq


Get Zoho Cliq messages for new cards in Pipefy

Do you use Pipefy cards to plan and track activities of your projects? This flow can help notify your team via Zoho Cliq each time such a card is created in your Pipefy account.

How it works

1. A new task is added in Pipefy. 

2. Zoho Flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Get Zoho Cliq messages for new cards in Pipefy

Zoho Cliq + Pipefy


Post a message in Zoho Cliq when a new issue is created in PractiTest

Get notifications in your work chat when a new issue is added to your test management application. This flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq when a new issue is created in PractiTest.

How it works
1. A new issue is created in PractiTest.
2. Zoho Flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq about the issue.
Use this flow

Post a message in Zoho Cliq when a new issue is created in PractiTest

PractiTest + Zoho Cliq


Get messages in a Zoho Cliq channel when existing ideas are pushed to development in ProdPad

When an existing idea is marked to be made live in your product management application, you’ll also want to notify the team channel in your work chat app. Use this flow to send a message to a Zoho Cliq channel every time an existing idea is pushed to development in ProdPad.

How it works
1. An idea is pushed to development in ProdPad.
2. Zoho Flow automatically posts a message in Zoho Cliq notifying that the project has been pushed to development.
Use this flow

Get messages in a Zoho Cliq channel when existing ideas are pushed to development in ProdPad

ProdPad + Zoho Cliq


Send message in Zoho Cliq when the status of a card on a selected board is updated in Projectplace

Get a notification in your work chat whenever the status of a task is updated in your project management app. This flow posts a message in Zoho Cliq whenever the status of a card in the selected board is updated in Projectplace.

How it works
1) A card on a selected board is updated in Projectplace.
2) Zoho Flow sends a notification in Zoho Cliq for the status update.
Use this flow

Send message in Zoho Cliq when the status of a card on a selected board is updated in Projectplace

+ Zoho Cliq


Post new invoices from Qoyod to a Zoho Cliq channel

Do you want to keep your team updated about every new order that you receive? This flow can help you do that effortlessly. It automatically posts new invoices from Qoyod to your team's Cliq channel, saving you from endless cut-copy-pasting.

How it works
1. A new invoice is created in Qoyod.

2. Zoho Flow posts the invoice in a channel on Zoho Cliq.
Use this flow

Post new invoices from Qoyod to a Zoho Cliq channel

Qoyod + Zoho Cliq


Post new customer questions on Quotient to a Zoho Cliq channel

Every time a customer posts a question about your quote in Quotient, this flow automatically sends a channel notification in Zoho Cliq. This helps you respond to your customers much faster.

How it works

1. A question is posted for a quote in Quotient. 

2. Zoho Flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Post new customer questions on Quotient to a Zoho Cliq channel

Quotient + Zoho Cliq


Create Zoho CRM deals and send notifications in Cliq when quotes are sent through Quotient

This flow creates a new deal in Zoho CRM and sends a message to a Zoho Cliq channel every time you send a quote via Quotient. this way, your team can track new proposals and work on them accordingly.

How it works

1. A new quote is sent in Quotient. 

2. Zoho Flow executes the following tasks automatically: 

a. Creates a deal in Zoho CRM. 

b. Sends a channel notification to a Zoho Cliq channel.

Use this flow

Create Zoho CRM deals and send notifications in Cliq when quotes are sent through Quotient

Quotient + Zoho Cliq + Zoho CRM


Send Zoho Cliq messages for new opportunities in Salesflare

This flow sends a message in a specific Zoho Cliq channel each time an opportunity is created in Salesflare. Keep your entire team updated of the new business deals you are acquiring.

How it works

1. A new opportunity is added in Salesflare. 

2. Zoho Flow sends a message in a specific channel in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Send Zoho Cliq messages for new opportunities in Salesflare

Salesflare + Zoho Cliq


Send Zoho Cliq messages for rescheduled bookings in ScheduleOnce

This flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq each time a client reschedules an appointment in ScheduleOnce, helping you keep track of meetings, without having to check your calendar every time.

How it works

1. A booking is rescheduled in ScheduleOnce.

2. Zoho Flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Send Zoho Cliq messages for rescheduled bookings in ScheduleOnce

OnceHub + Zoho Cliq


Send messages in Zoho Cliq when shipcloud detects shipment problems

Get automatic notification in your team chat whenever your shipping app detects a problem. This flow posts notifications in Zoho Cliq every time there's a new issue recorded in shipcloud.

How it works
1) A new payment is detected in shipcloud.
2) Zoho Flow sends a notification in Zoho Cliq.
Use this flow

Send messages in Zoho Cliq when shipcloud detects shipment problems

Shipcloud + Zoho Cliq


Send messages in Zoho Cliq for Site24x7 alerts

Need to receive an alert message if your website performance declines? This flow automatically notifies you via Zoho Cliq when an alert is generated in Site24x7.

How it works

1. A new alert is generated in Site24x7. 

2. Zoho Flow sends a message via Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

Send messages in Zoho Cliq for Site24x7 alerts

Site24x7 + Zoho Cliq


Send message in Zoho Cliq for new idea in Stormboard

Alert your colleagues to chip in as soon as someone on the team posts a new idea. Use this flow to send a message in Zoho Cliq every time a new idea is created in Stormboard.

How it works
1. A new idea is created in Stormboard.
2. Zoho Flow automatically sends a message in Zoho Cliq in the selected chat after the idea is created.
Use this flow

Send message in Zoho Cliq for new idea in Stormboard

Stormboard + Zoho Cliq


 Send notifications about new SupportBee tickets in Zoho Cliq

When a ticket is submitted in SupportBee, this flow sends a channel notification in Zoho Cliq. That way, your teammates are automatically informed about new support requests.

How it works

1. A new ticket is submitted in SupportBee. 

2. Zoho Flow sends a message in Zoho Cliq.

Use this flow

 Send notifications about new SupportBee tickets in Zoho Cliq

SupportBee + Zoho Cliq

Build your own Zoho Cliq integrations

Connect Zoho Cliq with over 900+ apps and build your own integrations using our no-code drag and drop builder and comprehensive workflow elements

Supported triggers and actions

Build your Zoho Cliq workflows using the below triggers and actions

All Triggers - A trigger kickstarts the flow

New channel added

Triggers when a new channel is created in your organization

All Actions - Actions are the automated tasks

Message in channel

Posts a message in a channel

Message user

Sends a message to the specified user

Add bot in a channel

Adds a bot to the selected channel

Message as bot on channel

Message as a bot on the specified channel

Add channel member

Adds a new channel member

Message as bot to user

Posts a message as a bot to the specified user

Add user status

Adds the specified status to an existing user

Create thread

Creates a new thread using message ID

Create channel

Creates a new channel

Message to bot

Sends a message to the selected bot

Delete channel

Deletes the selected channel

Post card to channel

Posts a card to the specified channel

Archive channel

Archives the selected channel

Update channel member role

Updates the role of a channel member

Post card to chat

Posts a card to the specified chat

Message as bot

Posts message as the specified bot in the selected chat or channel

Update channel

Updates the details of an existing channel

Unarchive channel

Unarchives the selected channel

Fetch team

Fetches the details of an existing team by name

Fetch user by name or email

Fetches an existing user by name or email address

Fetch channel

Fetches the details of an existing channel by name

Remove channel member

Removes the specified member from the selected channel

What is Zoho Cliq?

Zoho Cliq is business communication software for team chat and collaboration. You can share files, create events, and make unlimited audio and video calls with absolute privacy.

Build comprehensive workflows using

Webhook triggers

Receive your data from a wider range of services in multiple formats, like JSON, form data, and plain text.

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Create customized business workflows by including advanced logic elements like if-then branches, time delays, and more.

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Custom functions

Write simple scripting functions to format data, call web APIs, send emails, and more.

Learn more >

It is amazing what processes can be automated [with Zoho Flow]. It can be difficult to visualize what can be done. Ask the experts at Zoho Flow, they can tell you straight away and if it needs customization they will help you build it! Learn more

Owain ap Rees

Sales Director, Artico

Zoho Flow is an easy-to-use, very intuitive, and comprehensive integration platform. It helped us integrate Zoho Workplace with WordPress without writing a single line of code. Now, we do not miss Slack anymore, thanks to Zoho Flow and Zoho Workplace. Learn more

Rahul Roushan

CEO, OpIndia

Zoho Flow has helped us add a new sales channel. It has helped us integrate our existing and new sales channels, and manage our inventory in real time. Learn more

Siddharth Ahuja

CEO, Fabricroot

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Endless integrations. End to manual work.